08. Juli 2022 : Paper accepted for publication in the journal: Information & Management
We are proud to announce that the paper "What translates big data into business value? A meta-analysis of the impacts of business analytics on firm performance" by Thuy Duong Oesterreich, Eduard Anton and Frank Teuteberg has been accepted for publication in the journal Information and Management. The journal has a “B” ranking according to the VHB Jourqual 3 ranking.
The publication is accessible via: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.im.2022.103685
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to examine the factors that are critical to create business value from business analytics (BA). Therefore, we conduct a meta-analysis of 125 firm-level studies spanning ten years of research from across 26 countries. We found evidence that the social factors of BA, such as human resources, management capabilities, and organizational culture show a greater impact on business value, whereas technical aspects play a minor role in enhancing firm performance. Through these findings, we contribute to the ongoing debate concerning BA business value by synthesizing and validating the findings of the body of knowledge.