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Dr. Claudio Felten


Bild Dr. Claudio Felten

Dr. Claudio Felten

Poesis Consulting GmbH

Treietstr. 17

6833 Klaus, Austria

Phone: +43 5523 69 175


Dr. Claudio Felten is principal of Poesis Consulting GmbH.

Dr. Felten is specialized in strategic and international marketing strategies, especially customer management, sales and pricing strategies and processes. He has more than 10 years of work experience as a project manager at Simon-Kucher & Partners. As a management consultant and project manager, Mr. Felten realizes projects in Germany and abroad for companies in a wide variety of industries, including the automotive, construction and raw materials industries.

Allocation of theses

By arrangement

Academic education

05/93 bis 05/2000Research assistant at the Institute for Social and Economic Sciences at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Business Management Department III, Marketing, Director: Prof. Dr. H. Sabel.
Dissertation on "Adoption and diffusion of innovations - a microeconomic diffusion model".
08/86 bis 04/93PhD, Dr. rer. pol. (summa cum laude) Studied economics at the Rheinische Friedrich - Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Degree: Diplom-Volkswirt (Prädikatsexamen)

Selection of publications

2001Felten, C.: Adoption und Diffusion von Innovationen - Ein mikroökonomisches Modell, Wiesbaden, Gabler Verlag, 2001.
2002Felten, C.: Prospect Theorie und Marketing, ZfB, 72. Jg., EH1/02 - Marketing Management, 2002, S. 76ff.
2003Felten, C.; Kolvenbach, C.; Krieg, St.: Evaluating Brand Value - A Conjoint Measurement Application for the Automotive Industry, in: Gustafsson, A.; Hermann, A.; Huber, F. (Eds.); Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications; 3rd Ed., Springer; 2003; S. 518ff.
2007Felten, C.: Optimales Kundenmanagement im 21. Jahrhundert, in: Call Center Forum Deutschland e.V. (Hrsg.), Call Center erfolgreich aufbauen, Fürth 2008.
2008Call Center Trends, in: Customer Care Trendnewsletter, 2008.
2009Modernes Vertriebsmanagement, in Sales Business 3/2009.