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Prof. Frank Westermann, Ph.D.

Fachbereich 9: Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Volkswirtschaftslehre/Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik
Rolandstr. 8
room: 29/218
phone: +49 541 969-3508
fax: +49 541 969-2757
office hours: dienstags 13.30-14.30, Termine nach Absprache mit dem Sekretariat
Geben Sie hier das Template ein.lectures
summer semester 2025
- Applied Study Project for Core Subject Economics in Dual-major Bachelor´s Program
- [Bachelor - International Economic Policy II] International Finance
- [Bachelor] Project Seminar in Empirical Economics [Prof. Westermann]
- [Bachelor] Economic Policy and Public Economics
- Thesis Colloquium International Economic Policy, Master students [Prof. Westermann]
- Get-together MSc Economics (first semester students)
winter semester 2024/25
- Orientation Course for Economics in Dual Major Bachelor´s Program (Step 1)
- [Master] Advanced Project Seminar in Economics [Prof. Westermann]
- [Master] Empirical Economic Policy
- Thesis Colloquium International Economic Policy, Master students [Prof. Westermann]
- Get-together MSc Economics, start of study in the winter semester 2024/2025